Indlæg på kroatiske ‘Media Literacy Days’

Media Literacy Days er et tilbagevendende initiativ, som løber over flere dage og med mange forskellige events. Den 5. maj blev der afviklet et seminar i samarbejde med den danske ambassade i Kroatien.

De danske oplægsholdere var professor Vincent Hendriks fra Københavns Universitet og Jeanette Serritzlev fra Forsvarsakademiet. Jeanettes indlæg handlede om mis- og desinformation i relation til krigen i Ukraine.

About Media Literacy Days
Media Literacy Days are a project implemented by the Electronic Media Agency and the UNICEF Office in Croatia, every year in the spring of 2018, in cooperation with numerous stakeholders (including foreign embassies) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Media and the Ministry of Science and Education .

The project is designed as a platform for cooperation of various stakeholders in promoting media literacy, and each year includes kindergartens, schools, universities, libraries, cinemas, media, associations and other institutions that organize lectures, workshops, screenings and other activities. For example, in 2021, more than 266 events were held in 215 Croatian cities with more than 15,000 participants, mostly children and young people.

The main goals of the project are to encourage and develop sustainable media literacy projects, support educators by creating materials for media education, education and information of children and educators on media and media literacy, and finally raising public awareness of the importance of media. education.

So far, 29 educational materials and 18 video lessons on media literacy have been published, and all together more than 550,000 times.
The main communication platform of the Media Literacy Day is the website, which was also launched by the Agency for Electronic Media and UNICEF in 2016.